18 April 2024 9:00am

Retrofit Workshop

We are working with East Sussex County Council who are putting on a series of FREE retrofit workshops relevant to anyone in the construction sector. 

They are aware there is currently a wide range of knowledge and understanding about what Retrofit is, how relevant it is, what changes are planned and so on.

This first introductory session is relevant to anyone who wants to understand more about this increasingly important growth area whether you are a business owner, decision maker, on the ‘tools’ or are in a support function such as surveyor or architect.

In this FREE workshop: What is Retrofit – what you need to know, you will cover:

  • What is retrofit
  • The UK and East Sussex picture (including summary information about the Retrofit Skills plan that is funding this training)
  • Types of roles that will be required, by when and the pathways into them – how to start forward planning/thinking about this
  • Details of free/subsidised training available through the Retrofit Skills plan


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